Sunday School
Sunday School takes place every Sunday during our morning service, from 10:15 am during term time. We welcome children aged 4-12 years, from any faith or none at all. Our purpose is to teach the truths of the Bible. We do this through Bible stories, quizzes and singing.
We learn about other great characters from history who we feel will be role models for children to aspire to.
We follow an established teaching program based mainly around Lessons for Life, which is produced by the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.
Good behaviour is encouraged at all times, and prizes are awarded for attendance. Worksheets are provided for children to complete at home.
It is our hope and prayer that Sunday School will help to equip children and young people for their journey through life.
If you would like your child to attend please contact us via the website or feel more than welcome to simply come along and see for yourself what goes on.